Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Topics That Interest Me

Topics That Interest Me

9/11 Attacks
This topic interests me as it did so much. It changed not only the way we American citizens think, but how the government now works. After 9/11, government policies strongly changed to ensure this would never happen again. Unfortunately, as a result, many freedoms were compromised in the form of many things we take for granted, such as phone privacy. I wish to study what other freedoms were taken away and rights violated due to this heinous attack.

"9/11 Attacks." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
The central idea of this overview is that 9/11 had a tremendous impact on the way Americans lived their lives. It changed the government, security and society all in one day.
Airline security has increased drastically, as well as homeland security since 9/11.
Why did the terrorists specifically target landmarks only on the United States  east coast?
How were the terrorists even allowed to board the jets they hijacked?
Should we have gone farther in retaliation instead of just killing Osama bin Laden?
(Couldn't find unknown word.)

Artificial Intelligence
This topic interests me as it seems to be largely underrated. No one ever hears about the Iran Robocup Competitions and such, advancements within AI seem to go largely unnoticed by the media and common people. This topic in my eyes is so amazing, that we can create another human being that operated as smartly as us if we advance that much. If we could perfect this technology, we could create the perfect workers, soldiers and much more, it deserves more attention and time to be put into it.

"Artificial Intelligence." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.
The central idea of this overview is how useful AI may be to us. AI should not live in the dark, it should be more recognized and appreciated more than it is currently. AI may indeed be a big gateway in our future if we perfect it.
In certain situations, AI can do better than humans can.
AI is actually widely used now through means of war.
What can AI do for us?
Can AI replace the normal soldiers in the future?
Word I have never seen before:
Ubiquitous - appearing everywhere or present
What are some examples of AI you have seen?

Depression is something I have often thought deeply about, having dealt with it plenty of times myself. Where does it come from? Why does it do the things it does? What exactly is depression even classified by? Depression just seems like a very odd thing for humans to acquire. One day we could be happy and loving life, the next we could be lethargic and mourning mistakes we made long ago or something that happened just now, and for a extended period of time as well. In some cases, this has leaded to suicide, unfortunately. I want to find out why humans are burdened with this horrid state of mind, why it even exists.

"Depression." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.
This overview in particular has an idea of discovering what exactly depression is. I do not know a lot about depression, i mainly know what it makes you feel like and I want to find out why it does the things it does, hence the explanation for my overview.
Depression can cause a person to feel sad, lethargic and useless.
Depression is a large problem in the U.S. it seems, especially for its teen population.
What causes depression?
Is there a cure to ensure that a person never gets depressed again?
Could we possibly eradicate depression from the world?
(Couldn't find unknown word.)

Paranormal Phenomena
This topic deeply interests me as it is so mysterious and unknown, yet hotly debated. Paranormal activity ranges from monsters, to ghosts, and even aliens. There is much evidence, some explainable, but also some unexplainable. Many people are unsure what to believe, what is fact and what is fiction. I myself wish to find out what is base fact. I believe we are not alone in this world or this universe, but I want to know, who are we with?

Video Games
Video games, yet another hotly debated subject, but one I know very well, being a gamer myself. I personally love video games, how they take you away to another world, how they can look so beautiful and, of course, how competitive some are. However, there are those that say video games are bad for everyone, and should be banned. Reasons range from showing young people who aren't old enough inappropriate content to even being so bold to claim that the FPS (First Person Shooter) genre of games cause real life shootings. I myself wish to study video games and their effects on the human brain, and determine what is it that, if anything, make them bad for anyone to play.


  1. Philip, the questions you pose for the topic, 9/11 attacks, are excellent. I gave you a 50/100 because you did not finish answering the questions. Once you do, I will change your grade. You are off to a good start.

  2. I love your writing Philip. You also chose interesting topics. I also like that you wrote in your own words which was exactly what the assignment said to do.
